
Become a Member


  • Admin Cost/Time Reduction
  • Competitive Pricing
  • Improved T&C
  • Volume Related Discounts (VRD) – 100% returned to Client


  • Contract Management
  • Single Point of Contact
  • Supplier Due Diligence Checks
  • Preferential Treatment from Suppliers


  • Compliance & Sustainability Maturity Assessment
  • Continuous Benchmarking of Prices
  • Strategic Tenders
  • Physical/Remote Audits


  • Lube Oil Desk
  • Sustainability Reporting
  • Commercial Report
  • Seminars/Webinars
  • Market Intelligence (Trends, Best Indications)

Frequently asked questions


What is GenPro?

GenPro is a joint venture between Columbia Shipmanagement and Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement. It negotiates framework supply agreements with reputable international Suppliers for and on behalf of its clients, by pooling the procurement needs of their fleet.

With its purchasing volume GenPro secures the best prices achievable on all products and services on defined quality standards and (where possible) secures discounts based on volume. GenPro adds real value to the client’s procurement process via continuous benchmarking, auditing of suppliers, and offering value-added services. GenPro runs its operations based on a fully transparent and compliant business model.

What types of agreements does the GenPro framework include?

Member Agreement: An agreement between GenPro and its Members (clients), which includes Business Rules. Potential clients are defined as shipowners with in-house technical management of vessels.

Supplier/Service Provider Agreement: An agreement between GenPro and suppliers, covering all services, items and consumables required by a client’s fleet.

Will GenPro execute the purchasing of orders on behalf of its clients?

GenPro will not interfere with any of its clients’ purchasing, operational procedures or processes. All orders placed by GenPro clients will be based upon framework agreements (pricing and terms) negotiated and signed between selected contracted suppliers and GenPro, which is acting for and on behalf of its clients.

All communication regarding the daily business will be carried out as per each client’s respective work processes and requirements. This can be done via their preferred purchasing software and by the responsible personnel within their organisation. For sake of clarity, GenPro clients, once contracted, will continue to act independently in an operational sense with the suppliers regarding the placement of orders, delivery and payments, whilst using GenPro contract prices and conditions.

Who will be liable for the payment of invoices to suppliers?

The vessel Owner is ultimately responsible to the supplier for the payment of invoices.